Saturday, 6 August 2011

Ramadhan Night Ride

Salam riders,

Utk pengetahuan semua, pada bulan Ramadhan ini, kami SPRiders akan berkayuh hanya pada setiap Jumaat malam pada bulan puasa ni. Pada sesiapa yg brminat utk menyertai aktiviti brbasikal kami, boleh la cuba hubungi kami. Dibawah ini disertakan maklumat ringkas kayuhan bulan puasa.

Tempat brkumpul: Simpang Crystal (Bandar Saujana Putra)
Waktu brkumpul: 11.00 mlm
Tayar golek: 11.30 mlm
Jarak kayuhan: 20 - 30 km (brgantung kpd jumlah rider)
Kelajuan kayuhan: Bergantung pada rider (seorang sweeper pd setiap kayuhan)
Jenis kayuhan: 100% road

Mcm biase, helmet adalah wajib. Lampu dn blinker juga wajib utk kayuhan ini krn kita brkayuh pd waktu malam dijalan2 utama. Terima kasih.

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Good read - It's Not About the Bike: My Journey Back to Life

The #1 New York Times bestseller with legs as strong as its author's.
Lance Armstrong is one of the most talked about- and inspirational-sports figures of all time.
He was Sports Illustrated 's 2002 Sportsman of the Year-and now, after his record-shattering string of Tour de France victories, some are proclaiming him the greatest athlete of all time.

This is the book in which he shares his journey through triumph, tragedy, transformation, and transcendence. It is the story of a world-famous cyclist and his fight against cancer.